
Vancouver wants to decarbonize its large buildings. Some owners may not be able to afford it

  New law requires large-building owners to report emissions, with plans to reduce greenhouse gas... read more

Granville Island tenants worried about lack of plan to combat rising sea levels

  David McCann, whose consultancy has been headquartered on the CMHC-owned land for 30-plus years, said action is required now more

Calling Out Climate Lies for a Living

  I have spent the better part of the last 12 years writing about lies. My colleagues call it “disinformation,” and I generally do, too, but let’s call it for what it is: lying. During this stretch, I have written more than 200 articles and columns, and most of them were either about CEOs who lie, experts who lie, scientists who lie, attorneys general who lie... read more

U.S. investors successfully demand RBC change how it reports on green, fossil fuel investments

RBC is one of several financial institutions to begin disclosing information about climate-related investments Canada's largest bank has reversed course on a policy to disclose how much it invests in green energy versus fossil fuel energy following demands from New York City's large public pension funds, with environmental groups welcoming... Read more

After a long slog, climate change lawsuits will finally put Big Oil on trial

  32 lawsuits now target fossil fuel companies over climate damage. After years of legal appeals and delays, some oil companies are set to stand trial in lawsuits brought by state and local governments over the damages caused by climate change. Meanwhile... Read More

A Quebec lender opted out of mortgages in flood zones. Experts warn it could happen elsewhere

  Desjardins no longer offering mortgages in high-risk flood areas, worrying homeowners In May 2017, after two days of heavy rain, the river that runs along the shores of Pierrefonds-Roxboro, a suburban borough of Montreal, overflowed its banks, flooding hundreds of homes. Tania Caro's basement was submerged. "It was hell for everybody," she recalled more

Canada's top pensions have trillions in assets. Should they do more to fuel the energy transition?

  New report analyzed pension funds for climate targets — and many fell short Canada's largest pension funds, which hold trillions of dollars in assets combined, are trailing behind many of their international counterparts when it comes to shifting away from investments in fossil fuels... read more